Mar 23, 2012

Another Apology

Yes, again...
As always I've been very neglectful of my blogging duties - this blog hasn't been updated since June LAST YEAR - apologies to anyone who starved whilst awaiting further recipes...

Anyway. I have been busy (and further to my last post the whole dieting thing died a death!). We've moved house - TWICE! I started college. I left college. We got engaged. My brother emigrated. We welcomed new babies into our extended circle of family and friends. I turned 30 (I know, I know, I'm really very old now aren't I?). Lots of other minor bit and pieces have happened that don't spring to mind now (and others that do but I'd rather keep to myself, I'm sure you understand).

So hello again to all. I am hoping that 2012 will be a more productive year for me, both in the kitchen and outside of it. Let me know if there's any recipes you'd like to see here and I'll do my best to accommodate you.

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